
  • Five Reasons Not To Delay Replacing Your Aging Furnace

    If your furnace is on its last legs, you may be trying to decide whether to replace it this winter or to put off the replacement for another year or two. While every situation is different, it is usually in your best interest to replace your furnace sooner rather than later -- especially if it has recently broken down and is in need of repairs. Here's why: Operating an older furnace is actually more dangerous.
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  • 3 Tips for Safely Storing a Piano Long Term

    Like all instruments, pianos are designed to be played on a regular basis and can significantly degrade when left alone for long periods of time. Sometimes, though, people are left with no other option except to put the instrument into storage. If you find yourself in this situation, here are three tips for storing your piano to ensure it is playable when you get it back. Prep the Piano The first thing you need to do to prepare your piano for long-term storage is clean it.
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  • Just Bought a New Home With a Big, Bare Backyard? 2 Ways to Enjoy It This Summer Until You Can Afford to Build That Deck

    If your family just moved into a new home with a large back yard for the first time, then you are likely looking forward to a lot of spring- and summer-time fun in the yard when the temperatures warm up. However, if there are no places to escape the sun and/or rain while in the yard, like a covered deck and a swimming pool, and your savings account took too big of a hit when covering the down payment of your new home to invest in renovations yet, then you may worry that your family won't really get to enjoy the yard until then.
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  • Opening A New Restaurant? A Beginner's Guide To Restaurant Hoods & Fire Suppression Systems

    If you are finally deciding to follow your dreams and open a new restaurant, then you likely already have some amazing recipes that you cannot wait for your chef to whip up and serve to your new patrons. However, you may have a lot more planning to do, including deciding what steps you will take to keep your kitchen fire-free. Choosing a reliable restaurant hood and fire suppression system are two of the keys to keeping your kitchen fire-safe.
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  • Six Ways To Be A Good Fireworks Neighbor

    Fireworks aren't just for the Fourth of July anymore -- they're welcome additions to New Year's Eve celebrations, weddings, birthday and anniversary parties, and other celebratory occasions. to ensure a safe, fun celebration that doesn't earn the ire of your neighbors, follow the six safety and courtesy strategies listed below.  Appoint a 'Person in Charge' Instead of simply offering a pile of fireworks to party guests and having a free-for-all, point a specific person to be in charge of all fireworks activities.
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  • When A Baby Dies: A Guide For Grieving Parents

    Planning a funeral for a loved one is never easy, but when your loved one is an infant, either newborn or in the first few precious months of life, the situation is especially difficult for parents. Many parents do not know where to begin or what to do. These guidelines should help you get an idea of where to start. Contact someone to help. The fist thing to do is to contact someone who has experience with memorial services.
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  • How Hard Is It To Get A Surety Bond With Bad Credit?

    Bad credit is something that millions of Americans wrestle with on a regular basis. Having a less-than-stellar credit score can be a hindrance when it comes to making important financial decisions, including obtaining a surety bond for your business. If you're wondering how hard it will be to obtain a surety bond with a poor credit score, then you'll want to take a look at the following information. Things Could Get Expensive
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  • Three Ways to Stop Silverfish from Destroying Your Cardboard Boxes

    Purchasing cardboard boxes in bulk is an excellent way to ensure you always have the packaging you need to ship products to customers. However, one challenge of storing cardboard on the premises is that cardboard can attract hungry bugs, namely silverfish. These pests love to eat the glue that binds the cardboard together, and this feasting can result in higher costs for you and leave you with a lot of useless stock.
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