Architectural Models: The Key To A Successful Project

Posted on: 22 April 2020

An architectural model is a three-dimensional display that helps show the scale of a proposed construction project. Most people have seen an architectural model in the past, but many people overlook the important role these displays can play in the overall success of a project.

Here are some unique ways that you can leverage the power of an architectural model to increase the success of future projects.

Display Spatial Relationships

Architects have the unique ability to look at a two-dimensional blueprint and create an accurate representation of the spatial relationships posed by the blueprint in their mind's eye. Unfortunately, not everyone involved with a major project has this same ability.

An architectural model can easily show the dimensions and scope of a proposed project. This allows people who can't imagine what the finished project will look like based on a two-dimensional image to make informed decisions.

Encourage Advance Sales

Architectural models can be valuable throughout the sales process. Many architects begin selling units in large condominium buildings or commercial developments before the construction process is complete.

No one wants to invest in real estate blind, so having a model to show potential buyers can be invaluable. Buyers will be able to see where there unit will be located and identify the proximity of the unit to the amenities included in the space.

It will be easier to pre-sell units when you can refer to an architectural model to show buyers exactly what their purchase will look like after the construction process has been completed.

Facilitate the Permit Process

No project can be completed without the proper permits issued by local government authorities. A major construction project will usually undergo review before permits are issued. An architectural model can be extremely helpful when presenting your ideas to the zoning and permit boards.

Regulators will be able to inspect your proposed project and use a three-dimensional architectural model to determine the impact the project will have on the surrounding community.

You may find that it is easier to address fears or concerns that could stand in the way of your permits when you can refer to an architectural model during permit meetings and presentations.

Major construction projects are complex and difficult to explain. An architectural model takes a lot of the guesswork out of the presentation process by allowing anyone to see a visual representation of the finished project prior to construction.

Use architectural models to help your firm create a clear vision, pre-sell units, and obtain the necessary permits to build in the future.

To learn more, contact a resource like Rauda Scale Models.
