• Three Landscaping Mistakes To Avoid Near A Drain Field

    The drain field is an integral part of your home's septic system, but it is also a large swath of your property. Even though its main purpose is to ensure your septic runs properly, you will still want to integrate it into your landscaping. The key is to avoid the following mistakes when making landscaping decisions near the drain field. #1: Choosing deeply rooted plants Trees and shrubs aren't an option over a drain field.
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  • Five Reasons Not To Delay Replacing Your Aging Furnace

    If your furnace is on its last legs, you may be trying to decide whether to replace it this winter or to put off the replacement for another year or two. While every situation is different, it is usually in your best interest to replace your furnace sooner rather than later -- especially if it has recently broken down and is in need of repairs. Here's why: Operating an older furnace is actually more dangerous.
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