Creating A Co-Working Space For Remote Workers: Three Ideas To Consider

Posted on: 27 August 2019

The idea of working remotely can be appealing to professionals for a lot of reasons, and many companies provide remote or work-at-home positions to meet their business goals while keeping employees satisfied. One side effect of this is the reduced need for dedicated office space. However, there is still a need for some staff members to come to the office occasionally. Creating a co-working space in your office building gives your remote staff the flexibility to use office facilities when then need them. Here are some ideas you can use to create a co-working space in your building.

Phone Booths Or Pods

One need for some staff members might be a quiet place to field the occasional conference call. Adding soundproof phone booths in your building provides a great option, and the booths also make a smart addition to any office with an open floor plan. The booths should include a cozy chair or small loveseat and a small writing surface. Be sure to include adequate lighting and electrical outlets to keep portable devices powered up during extended calls.

Office Workstations

Instead of choosing traditional desks with box drawers and the typical features, opt for sleek, open workstations. With employees rotating in and out of the office, there's no need for storage drawers to store personal items and supplies. The workstations should have large surfaces to accommodate laptops, tablets, and peripherals. Open designs underneath provide more space to stretch out and get comfortable while working, and they also offer space for briefcases and other work essentials. Pair each workstation with a fully adjustable office chair to help every staff member find the perfect seating configuration.

Collaboration Stations

One reason your remote workers might need to come into the office is to partner with other employees on large projects. Creating dedicated space for them to collaborate as a team can be extremely valuable. Consider setting up a series of mini conference rooms equipped with large whiteboards to facilitate brainstorming sessions. You can furnish the rooms with small conference tables and chairs, but you may also consider going a more casual route. Sofas, coffee tables, and end tables can provide a more comfortable and laid-back space for sharing thoughts and ideas. Be sure that each room is also equipped with a projector screen, wall outlets, adjustable lighting, and access to a phone line to accommodate your staff's potential needs during meetings and collaboration sessions.

With the right commercial furniture and a bit of creativity, you can create a space your remote workers feel comfortable coming to a few days each week or month. Ask them what they want to see most in the office, and work with a company like D&R Office Works, Inc. to come up with a great color scheme and decor theme for this new space.
