7 Ways To Keep Your Air Compressor In Its Best Working Condition

Posted on: 29 September 2014

Air compressors can be a valuable tool that will last you many years, as long as you are good at keeping a schedule of regular maintenance and cleaning. Taking regular care of your air compressor will ensure that it keeps running like new. There are a few easy ways to make sure your air compressor is operating as efficiently as possible.

Read The Manual First

It might be boring, but it's the part that's skipped over by the most people and really shouldn't be ignored. Since its more than likely going to be a smaller book, there is really no excuse to not educate yourself on what the manufacturer specifically states is best to keep your air compressor running for the long haul. Check the spec sheet and read the fine print, too. Remember, if you fail to follow the guidelines in the user's manual, you may run into a case where the manufacturer will no longer honor the warranty.

Check Your Hoses

By making sure that that, or other possible corrosion, is not present, you're ensuring not only proper efficiency of the device itself, but you are also ensuring that you're going to be able to stay off from possible upcoming replacements.

Clean the Fuel Tank

Dirt and debris can start to wreak havoc when not taken care of right away. Disassemble and check for any possible residual build up in the tank. Make sure the motor is dusted off and not getting clogged up with anything that could be prevented.

Drain the Moisture From the Tank

Following up the previous point, it's important to understand that as you use the air compressor it will collect moisture from the air, more so if you live in a region where it gets very humid. It's imperative that you use your drain valve if your unit is equipped with one to properly drain any excess moisture rather than letting it just sit. Make sure when doing this maintenance procedure that you properly release air pressure from the tanks, and then let the liquid drain.

Test the Safety Shutdown System

This may not apply to all models, but if it does to yours make sure you regularly test the safety shutdown system to make sure a core element of your system is working properly. Every 6 months or so is generally a good idea. The reason why this is important is because without the safety shutdown, should the compressor get too hot or lose too much pressure, you won't be properly notified and it could risk damaging the whole unit.

Check and Change Air Filters

If your compressor has a dirty air filter you're going to want to change it immediately rather than let it sit, and run less efficiently. Similar to why you would never let a dirty air filter sit in your vehicle. A dirty filter lets debris from the outside into the tank, while at the same time making the unit work even harder to produce at the same level, a combination that can lead to early compressor replacement.  

 Check and Change the Oil

For oil based air compressors, check to see that your oil is topped off properly before every use, and after 300 hours of use you need to go through a full oil change. Some experienced owners recommend changing the compressor oil earlier if you're a heavy user, so make sure it's something that you are checking with regularity to determine when your compressor needs new oil. It's not rocket science, but proper maintenance of an air compressor, like those at Ben's Cleaner Sales, can lead to a long life. By following some of these tips you can ensure your investment lasts for years to come.
