• 7 Common Commercial Auto Insurance Myths – Debunked

    Commercial auto insurance can protect your business vehicles, including cars, vans and trucks, in the event of an accident. According to DMV.org, business owners who employ drivers for transportation or delivery purposes may be required by their state to carry a certain amount of commercial liability insurance. In the commercial car insurance industry, there are numerous myths that can affect a business owner when shopping for coverage. Here are some of the most common myths debunked.
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  • Getting Your Lawn Care Equipment Ready For Winter Storage: Five Essential Steps To Take

    Self storage units are a great place to keep lawn care equipment over the winter. However, before you place your lawn mower, weed trimmer, edger or other power equipment in storage, you need to properly prepare them for the long winter months ahead, especially if your unit is not climate controlled. When the leaves change colors, and it's time to place your equipment in storage, here is what you need to do:
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  • 7 Ways To Keep Your Air Compressor In Its Best Working Condition

    Air compressors can be a valuable tool that will last you many years, as long as you are good at keeping a schedule of regular maintenance and cleaning. Taking regular care of your air compressor will ensure that it keeps running like new. There are a few easy ways to make sure your air compressor is operating as efficiently as possible. Read The Manual First It might be boring, but it's the part that's skipped over by the most people and really shouldn't be ignored.
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  • Do You Have What It Takes To Work In A Virtual Office?

    Advancements in technology have made it possible for just about anyone to quit the rat race and become their own boss. Working in a virtual office allows you to conduct your business from the luxury of your home. While this setup works very well for many independent contractors and employees, are you sure a virtual office is the right fit for you? First Things First: What is a Virtual Office?
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  • Relocating? Reduce Moving Stress By Remembering These Forgotten Details

    When you take on a position with a company, you most likely want to eventually move up in ranks and pay. While promotions are common in many businesses, relocating to another state or country may be imperative for your new position. Of course, this move can be stressful for you and your family. From selling a home and finding a new place to transferring schools for your children, relocating is obviously overwhelming.
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  • Voicemail-To-Text: Is It Worth Your Time?

    In the fast-paced business world, time is of the essence. Even something as simple as checking your voicemail can take precious minutes away from the time-sensitive tasks of the day. This is why a growing number of telecom companies are offering voicemail-to-text services that help fully convert voicemails into text messages that can be read quickly and accurately. Why You Might Need Voicemail Transcription Service There are times when you might not be able to get to your voicemail messages.
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  • Shipping Container Homes: The Next Trend In Home Dwellings?

    Thanks to rising rent costs, an increased cost of living and flat wages, many cities throughout the United States and the rest of the world are coming to grips with an ongoing housing crisis. As a result, architects and designers are thinking outside the box when it comes to creating affordable homes. One such idea involves repurposing the modern shipping container – the cornerstone of the shipping industry and world trade – into the building blocks for new, efficient and affordable housing.
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  • Insider Air Conditioning Secrets That Will Keep You Cool This Summer

    When the temperatures rise, keep your cool the way the pros do. These insider secrets will keep your air conditioning performing at its peak, and keep you from having to call out your air conditioning repair man. Size Matters Big houses require big air conditioners, or you are going to notice a serious lack of cool air in your home. There's a reason why different sized air conditioners are available: they are each designed to cool different sizes of rooms.
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  • Home Improvement Projects Made Simple

    Home improvement projects challenge the skill and ingenuity of weekend DIY warriors. Often, the scope of a project is limited primarily by the tools a home improver has on hand. Specialized tools are frequently required for renovation, building, and remodeling. These items come with a hefty price tag that puts them well out of reach of people who may only need to use them on a single occasion. Equipment rentals provide a reasonable solution to this common conflict.
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